Call for paper in Agent-Based Modelling

Call for paper: Special Issue on Agent-Based Modelling of Urban Systems in the journal of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

Authors are invited to submit their original work for the Special Issue on Agent-Based Modelling of Urban Systems in the journal of Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (CEUS). The CEUS journal is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research on urban systems, systems of cities, and built and natural environments , that privileges the geospatial perspective of urban systems. Manuscripts can be submitted continuously until the deadline, but authors are recommended to first send an abstract to the guest editors to allow them to check the suitability of the work for the special issue. All submitted articles will undergo peer-review as per the usual conventions of the journal.

Agent-based modelling (ABM) refers to a class of computer simulation that is ideally suited to modelling complex social systems. Instead of deriving aggregate analytical formulations to represent the heterogeneous behaviours of individual people, ABM encapsulates and generates the global dynamics of the system by simulating the interactions between individual ‘agents’. This makes them excellent candidates for modelling complex human systems such as cities, where encapsulating heterogeneous behaviours and individual interactions is essential.

A growing and multidisciplinary community of researchers has begun to leverage ABM to simulate different features of urban phenomena, such as transport systems, pedestrian dynamics, housing markets, land-use changes, customer flows, civil emergencies and information diffusion. These models vary from abstract to complex and empirically rich ‘digital twins’ of social behaviour with deep connections to behavioural theorems and data. A particular area of interest is the recent emergence of machine learning inspired approaches linked to ABMs. Various software platforms and programming languages are now widely available for modellers of diverse backgrounds and experience, moving the field from computer science and social simulation to a much broader audience with applications directly able to influence and support decision-makers .

This special issue on Agent-Based Modelling for Urban Systems aims to bring together multi-disciplinary researchers in the field of (and not limited to) Urban Analytics, Geocomputation, Economics, Public Health Systems, Urban Epidemiology, Energy Systems, and Transport to share their original research in agent-based modelling and multi-agent systems simulation for urban systems. The originality of research may come in the form of theoretical, conceptual, analytical or computational advances associated with the social, technical or infrastructure challenges in urban systems, or state-of-the-art applications that demonstrate how ABM can be used to provide valuable decision-support in these and other urban systems. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

– Agent-based modelling of cities

– Transport systems modelling

– Crowd modelling and simulation

– Simulation of complex social systems

– Large-scale urban simulations

– Network simulation and modelling

– Simulation of social and economic organizations (e.g., healthcare systems)

– Market-based model and simulation

– Evacuation modelling and simulation

– Multi-system and inter-system interaction

– Collecting, preparing and analysing data for empirical urban agent-based modelling

– Machine learning and/or AI approaches to support agent-based modelling of urban systems

– Real-world applications and use of ABM in decision-making

– Epidemiological modelling applied to cities


First call for papers: 1st May, 2021

Submission of papers before: 1st Oct, 2021

Acceptance decisions: 1st December, 2021

Final revisions: 1st March, 2022

Submission Method:

When submitting your manuscript, please choose “VSI: Agent-Based Modelling.” for “Article Type”. This is to ensure that your submission will be considered for this special issue instead of being handled as a regular paper.

Guest Editors:

  • Dr Minh Kieu, University of Auckland, Email
  • Dr Koen van Dam, Imperial College London, Email
  • Dr Jason Thompson, University of Melbourne, Email
  • Dr Jiaqi Ge, University of Leeds, Email
  • Professor Nicolas Malleson, University of Leeds, Email


All inquiries regarding this call for papers should be directed to Managing Guest Editors, Dr Minh Kieu, Email or the Editor-in-Chief: Tony H. Grubesic, Email