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<title>Big Data and Dynamic Simulation of Cities</title> | |
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<!-- ***************************************************************** | |
************* Title ************************** | |
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<h5>ABMUS 2019</h5> | |
<h1 style="font-size: 45px;">Reducing the impacts of uncertainty in agent-based models for real-time applications</h1> | |
<hr/> | |
<h3> <strong>MINH KIEU, </strong> Nicolas Malleson, Alison Heppenstall, Andrew West and Kevin Minors</h3> | |
<h4>University of Leeds and Alan Turing Institute</h4> | |
<h4><a href=""></a></h4> | |
<hr/> | |
<p style="text-align:center;font-size:25px">These slides and abstract: <a href=""></a></p> | |
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<img style="float:left;padding:10px 50px 10px 50px;width:70px; height:auto;" src="../figures/LOGO_EU.jpg"/> | |
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<img style="float:right;padding:10px;width:150px; height:auto;" src="../figures/LOGO_TURING.png"/> | |
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************* Bus trajectory ************************** | |
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<section id="bus-trajectory" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Bus GPS trajectories</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/bus-trajectory.png" | |
alt="bus trajectory" /> | |
</section> | |
<!-- *********************************************************** | |
************* Bus bunching **************************** | |
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<section id="bus-trajectory" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Bus bunching</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/bus-bunching.png" | |
alt="bus bunching" /> | |
</section> | |
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************* BusSim model video************************** | |
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<section id="pf-bussim-video"> | |
<h2>Bus Simulation</h2> | |
<video controls autoplay> | |
<source data-src="../videos/bussim-video.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> | |
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</video> | |
</section> | |
<!-- ***************************************************************** | |
************* BusSim model flowchart ************************** | |
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<section id="bussim-flowchart" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>BusSim Flowchart</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/bussim-flowchart.png" | |
alt="BusSim" /> | |
</section> | |
<!-- ***************************************************************** | |
************* problems with ABMs ************************** | |
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<section id="prob-divergence" | |
data-background-video="../videos/skylines_bus_stop.mp4" | |
data-background-video-muted | |
data-background-video-loop="loop"> | |
<div class="whitebackground fragment"> | |
<h2>Uncertainty</h2> | |
<p>The reality is dynamic. </p> | |
<p>The reality is stochastic </p> | |
<p>There are unobserved variables </p> | |
</div> | |
<div class="whitebackground fragment"> | |
<p>There is no systematic mechanism to incorporate new data into agent-based models</p> | |
</div> | |
</section> | |
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************* Data Assimilation ************************** | |
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<section id="how_DA_works" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Solution: Data Assimilation </h2> | |
<img src="../figures/data-assimilation.png" | |
alt="DA" /> | |
<div class="whitebackground fragment"> | |
<p>Try to improve estimates of the true system state by combining:</p> | |
<p class="l2">Noisy, real-world observations</p> | |
<p class="l2">Model estimates of the system state</p> | |
</div> | |
</section> | |
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<img src="../figures/PF-1.png" | |
alt="PF-1" /> | |
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<img src="../figures/PF-2.png" | |
alt="PF-2" /> | |
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<img src="../figures/PF-3.png" | |
alt="PF-3" /> | |
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<img src="../figures/PF-4.png" | |
alt="PF-4" /> | |
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<img src="../figures/PF-5.png" | |
alt="PF-5" /> | |
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<img src="../figures/PF-6.png" | |
alt="PF-6" /> | |
</section> | |
<!-- *********************************************************** | |
************* BusSim Framework ************************** | |
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<section id="bussim-framework" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Data Assimilation on Bus Simulation</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/bussim-framework.png" | |
alt="BusSim framework" /> | |
</section> | |
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************* Basecase scenario ************************** | |
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<section id="no-calibration" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Basecase scenario: No calibration</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/BusSim-no-calibration.png" | |
alt="Basecase scenario" /> | |
</section> | |
<!-- ***************************************************************** | |
************* Calibration scenario ************************** | |
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<section id="calibration" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Calibration scenario</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/BusSim-calibration.png" | |
alt="Calibration scenario" /> | |
</section> | |
<!-- ***************************************************************** | |
************* PF scenario ************************** | |
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<section id="BusSim-PF" data-transition="fade"> | |
<h2>Calibration + Data Assimilation scenario</h2> | |
<img src="../figures/BusSim-PF.png" | |
alt="BusSim-PF" /> | |
</section> | |
<!-- ********************************************************* | |
************* PF on bussim ************************** | |
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<section id="pf-bussim-pf-video"> | |
<h2>Bus Simulation with a Particle Filter</h2> | |
<video controls autoplay> | |
<source data-src="../videos/bussim-pf-video.mp4" type="video/mp4"/> | |
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</video> | |
</section> | |
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************* Current large-scale city simulation ******************* | |
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<section id="othersimulation" | |
data-background-video="../videos/matsim-singapore.mp4" | |
data-background-video-muted | |
data-background-video-loop="loop"> | |
<div class="whitebackground fragment"> | |
<p>MatSim Singapore takes 2 days to implement each scenario, even when using a cluster of 4 supercomputers (Anda, 2017) </p> | |
</div> | |
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<figure> | |
<img data-src="../figures/emulator.png"/> | |
</figure> | |
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<figure> | |
<img data-src="../figures/dynamic-emulator.png"/> | |
</figure> | |
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<section id="moreinformation1" data-transition="fade" data-background-image=""> | |
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<h2>For more information about what we're doing</h2> | |
<a href=""> | |
<img class="right" style="width:100px;" data-src="../figures/LOGO_ERC.jpg" alt="ESRC Logo"/> | |
</a> | |
<p>Data Assimilation for Agent-Based Models (<a href="">dust</a>)</p> | |
<p class="l2"><a href=""></a></p> | |
<p class="l2">Main aim: create new methods for dynamically assimilating data into agent-based models.</p> | |
<p>Uncertainty in agent-based models for smart city forecasts</p> | |
<a href=""> | |
<img class="right" style="width:100px;" data-src="../figures/LOGO_TURING.png" alt="Turing Logo"/> | |
</a> | |
<p class="l2"><a href=""></a></p> | |
<p class="l2">Developing methods that can be used to better understand uncertainty in individual-level models of cities</p> | |
<p>Bringing the Social City to the Smart City</p> | |
<p class="l2"><a href=""></a></p> | |
</div> | |
</section> | |
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************* Thanks ************************** | |
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<section class="title" id="thanks" data-background-image="../figures/virtual_city.jpeg"> | |
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<a href=""> | |
<img style="float:right;padding:10px;width:150px; height:auto;" src="../figures/uol_logo.gif"/> | |
</a> | |
<h5>ABMUS 2019<br/>14nd May, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada</h5> | |
<hr/> | |
<h2>Reducing the impacts of uncertainty in agent-based models for real-time applications</h2> | |
<hr/> | |
<h3>Minh Kieu</h3> | |
<!-- <h4>Research Fellow</h4> --> | |
<h4>Leeds Institute of Data Analytics, University of Leeds</h4> | |
<hr/> | |
<h4 style="text-align:center">These slides:<br/><a href=""></a></h4> | |
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